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Midyear Check In

Midyear Check In

*cover image of lupine and Svínafellsjökull, near Skaftafell, Iceland* Oh this has been a busy yea ...

2023 Recap; 2024 Goals

2023 Recap; 2024 Goals

Welcome to 2024! We may be a few weeks into January but it’s an odd transitional month and I didn’t ...

2022 Goals Recap, Looking to 2023

2022 Goals Recap, Looking to 2023

The 2022 recap and 2023 goals has lead a bit into the new year! The draft has been sitting for a fe ...

CS50P Weeks 6 - 8

CS50P Weeks 6 - 8

Github tracking repo -- [here]( It’s here, I’ve made it! Honestl ...

CS50P Weeks 3 - 5

CS50P Weeks 3 - 5

Github tracking repo -- [here]( Did not expect to get to write ...

CS50P Weeks 0 - 2

CS50P Weeks 0 - 2

Github tracking repo -- [here]( Did not expect to get to write ...

Rapid Goal Setting; Making Flexible Changes

Rapid Goal Setting; Making Flexible Changes

May?? It’s MAY?? Okay, it’s May. Many of us have lamented over the past couple of years how we thi ...